I have to agree....
this is what metal is all about. This stuff is epic!!!! You guys need to be making stuff for films!!!
I have to agree....
this is what metal is all about. This stuff is epic!!!! You guys need to be making stuff for films!!!
Ahhh, music to my ears! I deff want to make music for films!
Man I've been listening to you guys stuff and I'm love'n it. I would love to hear you stuff with a bass player though cause It would take y'all stuff out of this F'n dimension. I've listen for some stuff for my next animation (music for a nasty villain)
:) Use our stuff yeah! Just send me a link when you are done!
THis is some tough stuff. I don't know why there aren't more people that have listen to or reviewed this. Very nice!!!
This is some dope stuff. I wish it were longer I would definitely use this in my animation.
There's a lot that happens here with this in a short amount of time. I like when a piece makes me actually think about a scene or what the composer was thinking about when they made it. It feels as though it's a part of a much bigger piece. The only negative mark that I would say is that the drums sound a bit soft in parts but it doesn't take away too much from the piece.
Great work!!!!
I think I definitely turned the drums down too much at the beginning (Or maybe up too much at the end?) because I didn't want them cutting through the strings; guess I overdid it. And this is part of a bigger piece...that is yet to be written. xD Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
This is nice.
Very cinematic and if not that it could definitely be in a video game. I look forward to hearing more of your work.
Artist / Futurist
Sherman Oaks, CA
Joined on 12/25/05